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Carlos Alcaraz Battles Through Forearm Injury To Advance At French Open

Carlos Alcaraz Battles Through Forearm Injury to Advance at French Open

Battling an injured forearm, Carlos Alcaraz displayed resilience to secure a dominant first-round victory at the French Open.

Overcoming Challenges

Despite discomfort in his forearm, Alcaraz refused to let it hinder his performance. In an impressive display of grit, he dispatched JJ with a commanding 6-0 6-2 7-5 victory.

Alcaraz's tenacity shone through as he fought off a determined qualifier, Jesper de Jong, to reach the second round. The Spanish star proved his mettle, overcoming a slow start to secure his place in the second round.

After a commanding performance in the first two sets against De Jong, Alcaraz encountered some resistance in the third. However, he rallied to fend off a spirited challenge and book his ticket to the next round.

Despite his persistent injury, Alcaraz remains upbeat about his chances at Roland Garros. With each victory, he gains confidence and proves that he is a force to be reckoned with on the clay courts.
